Invited speakers

Mehmet Ali Akinci , Professor in psycholinguistics at the University of Rouen

Marie-Laure Barbier Maître de conférence in psychology at the INSPE of Aix-Marseille.

Séverine Casalis, Professor in cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics at the SCALab laboratory, Cognitive sciences affective sciences, UMR9193, University of Lille and CNRS.

Serena Dal Maso Assistant Professor at the University of Verona (Italy).

Hélène Giraudo Senior research fellow in psycholinguistics at the CLLE laboratory at the University of Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès.

Victoria Johansson, Associate Professorat at Kristianstadt University (Sweden) and affiliated at Lund University (Sweden).

Katherine MartinAssociate Professor à Southern Illinois University Carbondale, APPLES Lab (Applied Psycholinguistics in Literacy, Education, and Second Language).

Mariëlle Leijten, Associate Professor at the University of Antwerpen (Belgium).

Sabrina Piccinin , Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Verona (Italy).

Madeleine Voga, Maître de conférence at Paul Valéry University, Montpellier.



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